Saturday, November 29, 2014

I have an Emotional Support Stripper.

I would like an Emotional Support Stripper. Whenever the paranoia gets overwhelming she can take off her clothes and the people will then look at her instead. Stop looking at me.

My Emotional Support Stripper would dress like a Nurse: that makes it seem even more Medically-Approved and Official. But she would still have really big breasts, so: a Sexy Nurse. You know the kind.

My Emotional Support Stripper always draws extra attention from the TSA agents. If you are going to grope her like that you better put a dollar in her thong. There is a right way of doing things.

My Emotional Support Stripper gets tired of all the pilots asking her if she wants to see the "cockpit". Sometimes they DO let her fly the plane for a little bit, however. It is probably for the best that the passengers do not know this.

Just because My Emotional Support Stripper is heading to the plane's bathroom does NOT mean she is inviting you to the Mile High Club. Stay in your seats and adjust your tray's position for a little while.

My Emotional Support Stripper understands the gentle comfort of a Lap Dance. If you have never had a Lap Dance to the Beatles' "Let It Be" you probably won't understand.

My Emotional Support Stripper will occasionally dress like a Japanese Schoolgirl if I need the additional support. Because sometimes I think of Hiroshima and get depressed.

I am Laslo.


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  3. "My Emotional Support Stripper will occasionally dress like a Japanese Schoolgirl if I need the additional support. Because sometimes I think of Hiroshima and get depressed."

    I wish I had written this.
