Wednesday, November 2, 2016
"That makes me feel better. I always use lubricant."
At the Sex Rehab Clinic...
"Hi. My name is Anthony, and it has been three days since I last ejaculated."
"Welcome, Anthony."
"Actually, I think I'm starting off on the wrong foot. I masturbated this morning to the Teen Section of a Clothing website. What can I say -- I love young girls in leggings: I know I'm not going to see any camel-toe, but I can't stop hoping."
"We understand, Anthony: facing up to one's addiction is a hard thing."
"It's just that I like sex. And I love teenage girls. I question God every day as to why he gave me this terrible burden."
"We understand, Anthony: many of us have faced temptations that can make one doubt in the benevolence of a Higher Being."
"Well, I kinda lied there, too. I don't think about God much; I mostly just think about sex with teenage girls."
"We understand, Anthony: trust that we will accept you, and we will help you on the better path."
"I'd like to believe that, but who's to say someone here won't go to the cops and tell them I text teenage girls about bondage and anal sex? I worry about that..."
"No need to worry, Anthony. Our fellow Sex Addict Robert has told us how he used to kidnap young girls, have unlubricated sex with them in the woods, and then drop them off naked and blindfolded in the parking lot at a local church: his Secret has been safe with us."
"That makes me feel better. I always use lubricant."
"See, Anthony? THAT is compassion: THAT is something we can build upon."
"Maybe. Still, I just can't imagine living a life without having anal sex with young girls."
"We understand your fear, Anthony. You have to take this one step at a time, my friend."
"Yes, Anthony. For instance: our fellow Sex Addict Frank thought he'd never be able to do without orally raping eleven-year-old girls, but through hard work and prayer he now only orally rapes girls older than fifteen."
"You know -- I am starting to feel at home here."
"See? You are already making an emotional investment in Trust."
"Sure. But I think I'd REALLY like to hang out with Robert and Frank..."
I am Laslo.
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