Saturday, December 24, 2016

What is the point of making a perfume, if it is Not To Die For?

Humlaut LeBlanc, Fashion Icon of Fabulous…

Fragrance is an essential part of Fabulous, and now I make my contribution with my new Eau de Cologne ‘Humlaut B’…

I declare that flowery perfumes are so passé : instead, I have chosen to go boldly with the subtle scent of bitter almonds, and it is, indeed, Fabulous…

What is the point of making a perfume, if it is Not To Die For? And it is not just available as a Fabulous Eau de Cologne — no, it also comes in a Shower Spray…

You will recognize it at your finer stores by my Fabulous emblem: two lightning bolts side by side, symbolizing the synchronicity of the strikes of Inspiration and Fabulous…

And, of course, Fragrance is Important for men, too. That is why I am introducing the companion cologne “Zycklon Boy”. I wish I could take credit for the name, but it was suggested by one of my Arab assistants: Fabulous can come from anywhere…!

I am Humlaut LeBlanc, and I Believe in Fabulous…

I am Laslo.

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