- The Guy Who Is Proud of His Porn Star Daughter....
I knew it was bound to happen sometime: in the lunchroom at work one of my fellow co-workers sat beside me and hinted that he had seen my daughter in a porn film on the internet...
I think he expected me to be ashamed, but I am PROUD of my Little Girl. She is the CEO of her own company, that company being herself. I mean, there are days I come home from work feeling like I got fucked in the ass, but my Little Girl gets PAID for being fucked in the ass, and she is fucked in the ass on her OWN terms...
It IS uncomfortable though, knowing this guy has most likely masturbated to my daughter getting fucked in the ass. But when I feel too uncomfortable about it, I just remember that his college-graduate daughter is working as a barista while still living at home: she is getting fucked in the ass, but it is by Starbucks, and for minimum wage...
I am Laslo.
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