Monday, March 28, 2016

"More so every day, Farook, more so every day."


"Yes, Amir?"

"I think Our Brothers' actions in Belgium might have hurt us."

"Belgium? I thought we had bombed France again."

"No, no Farook: Belgium is a separate country."

"And it is in Europe?"

"Yes, Farook: it is in Europe."

"Do they at least SPEAK French?"

"Oh, fuck: they speak a little of everything: Dutch, French, German..."

"Do they speak Arabic?"

"More so every day, Farook, more so every day."

"So what is the problem?"

"We are being looked at closer than ever."

"Amir, we are constantly being looked at closer than ever, but they never actually see us."

"You know, Farook? That is SO True. Let's go get some Schwarma!"

"From the place that rubs their dicks in all the Jewish students' food?"

Of course, Farook my Friend: of course!"

I am Laslo.

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