Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Don’t get me wrong: I like to look at the stars and shit. But sooner or later you finish your beer and then what are you gonna do…?

The Guy Who Drives the White Van With No Windows In The Back Says:

In the back of the Van I alone Control the Light that gets Seen. I am the Heavens’ Flashlight in the Dark: I am the Moon, covering a woman’s face with my bare hands: I am her darkest Eclipse…

Ah, I’m fucking with you. I’m not one of those freaks who thinks he’s some godlike creature of primordial nature: I’m just a dude who likes to listen to some ol’ Neil Diamond and occasionally take girls for rides out into the woods in the back of my Van…

Don’t get me wrong: I like to look at the stars and shit. But sooner or later you finish your beer and then what are you gonna do…?

Some people, they get all deep when they talk about some shit that happens in the sky every fifty years: me, I get the same feeling outside the gas station at night watching flies flit around the Bug Zapper…

Chicks dig the stars and the moon, though: a lot of the girls I get, they got tattoos of them. Me, I don’t mind a few tattoos on a girl, but keep it tasteful, ladies: I don’t need to see a shit-drawn dragon spreading its inked wings over your tits, you know what I mean…?

Some chicks, though, they DO get damned spooky with that Moon shit: one girl I had picked up, she started going on about Druids and Gnomes and Moon People who were actually Wolves or some shit like that. Fuck that: I let her ass back out of the van — I knew I wouldn’t be able to bury THAT kind of crazy near deep enough…

So, anyways: enjoy your moon thing, people. Who knows, while you’re looking for your view spot we just might pass each other on some dark road in the middle of nowhere…

I am Laslo.

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