Sunday, June 4, 2017

I see the piss and shit in the alleys and the gutters...

Travis Bickle Does a Crossword...

Fourteen Across: another name for a politician. Four letters. Ah, that's easy. SCUM is four letters. The politicians here are fucking scum, letting the streets flow with the refuse of hookers and pimps, as long as they get paid by the right people...

Shit. PIMP is four letters, too. This is gonna be a harder than I thought. Are politicians more SCUM than a PIMP? I'm not even sure how to tell the difference on this one: Pimps are Scum, and politicians are scummy pimps. THEY are the ones that let the hookers walk the streets freely with the fucking diseases between their legs...

So: does Fourteen Down begin with an 'S' or a 'P'? Fourteen Down: What is found downtown, sometimes...

I drive through these downtown streets, I see the piss and shit in the alleys and the gutters... That's it! SHIT! SHIT begins with an 'S'. SHIT and SCUM: it works...!

Wait: PISS works, too. PIMP and PISS. Damn, they make these crosswords hard. I'm gonna have to figure out more letters...

I am Laslo.

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