George Clooney on Harvey Weinstein...
I've known Harvey a lot of years, we've done a lot of work together. This whole situation makes me sad, very sad. Intelligent, talented women -- many whom I have worked with -- have sadly sullied this man's reputation...
Sure, Harvey likes to shower. I've seen Harvey in the shower, Harvey has seen me in the shower. Hell, Harvey, Matt Damon and I have taken showers together...
It's a form of bonding that is probably too European for some young actresses to understand. Many of these actresses came from small towns in America, and as such have misguided fears about watching important men shower...
Sure, when we showered together Harvey's cock brushed against my thigh: it happens. I brushed Matt Damon's buttocks with MY cock, no big deal...
Hell, when Harvey showered with Brad Pitt Harvey's cock accidentally fell into Brad's asshole: it's a funny story, get Brad a little drunk and he'll tell it to you...
Don't get me wrong: I have empathy for these women. It can be tough, going through life that uptight. I mean, how can you not have a smile on your face when you're watching Harvey shave his hairy ass in the shower...?
I simply would like to say to these actresses: lighten up. Unless he fucked you in the ass against your will: that's different...
I am Laslo.
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