Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Harassment, Part Four.

In college, I was raped by a female protester at a "Take Back the Night" evening rally.

Not much to add, really: it was dark, and she sucked my cock. Against my will.

I do not hold this against all female protesters who act out for women's safety, just the ones who have sucked my cock. Against my will.

I am Laslo.


"In college, I was raped by a female protester at a "Take Back the Night" evening rally."

The truly difficult part of this event was that no one believed me.

I went to the college authorities, but they just filed a piece of paper and that was it.

Although, in their defense, all I could accurately describe was the top of her head.

I am Laslo.


I mean, what could I do? She eagerly swallowed the evidence.

I am Laslo.


I suppose the police could've swabbed my penis to see if her lips left any DNA, but I probably corrupted the evidence by masturbating furiously when I got home.

I am Laslo.


Sometimes I still dream about that night and wake up with a feeling of terror.

Well, a feeling of terror and an erection.

I am Laslo.

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