You are a Professional, dressed in your sharpest business attire and about to give an Important Presentation to your bosses.
Moments before you are to start you are informed that the guy at the Dry Cleaner ejaculated all over the backside of your pants before cleaning them. That's right: he ass-raped your pants.
Do you:
A. Proceed with the Presentation as if nothing happened: you are a Professional, and this Presentation is more Important than any minor emotional discomfort;
B. Proceed with the Presentation, but suffer distraction and feelings of emotional discomfort that adversely effect your Presentation;
C. You run into the restroom and cry, ashamed with the knowledge that in your job you are a fraud and never should have been promoted to the Position, anyway.
Now, women: it is your turn to answer the question.
I am Laslo.
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