"Green Dong smooth and curved with shaved nubbles at the base."
Three stars.
I have always been a fan of Science Fiction -- so much that I have a tattoo of Marvin the Martian on my leg.
My favorite Science Fiction Reads tend to be those about aliens visiting us, and then probing a Select Few. I am one of the 'Select Few' of course -- after all, it is MY fantasy!
So I was on Amazon looking at dongs when I saw "Green Dong smooth and curved with shaved nubbles at the base" and I thought: THAT sounds like an alien cock probe if there ever was one!
As an alien cock probe I can tell you that the features are exquisite, except for one thing: the nubbles at the base.
This makes it seem like the alien shaved his pubic hair or something, and aliens DON'T have pubic hair, aliens are smooth all over with nothing approaching that of a nubble.
That aside, it makes for a wonderful tool to aid in Sci-Fi Fantasy -- so much that I got two, so I can be 'Double-Probed'.
Would be Five Stars, but only Three because of the nubble issue.
I am Laslo.