Stephen King's "Fore"...
Lucinda never saw where the golf ball came from. She never saw its graceful arc through the air, over the trees by the gas station. No, she only felt the bone-crushing impact, a grisly impact that changed her life, forever...
No! You're still as smart as you ever were, Lucinda! Maybe a bit slower, and unable to move your right arm, but you are still you!
After the accident her life became a shambles. Her shakiness led to the death of three pets at the Veterinary Hospital...
I am SO sorry, Bandit! I'm sorry, Spido and Belle! I could not control the scalpel, and now you are in Doggie Heaven, and it is my fault...
No one was able to determine where the golf ball had come from. Oh yes, there were rumors -- dark rumors of a monster that stalked the driving range at night, a monster carrying a glowing red nine-iron. But those were just rumors, silly rumors...
WERE those rumors so silly? Stop thinking about it, Lucinda! Four women had been hit by golf balls in the last month. Four women! Lucinda told herself it was just coincidence, but that did not keep the cold fright from chilling her to the bone. Sure, THREE women hit by golf balls might be coincidence, but FOUR? No, there had to be something darker at work...
I am Laslo.
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