Sunday, December 28, 2014

"How 'Laslo' are you?"

"How 'Laslo' are you?"

1. When you see a lone female pedestrian at night do you stop for her to cross the street, or do you attempt to put her in your trunk?

2. Do you smoke cigarettes out of habit, or do you smoke cigarettes to stay alert and hyper-vigilant for those that could try to attack you at any time?

2. If the police are at your door do you open the door, or do you execute your get-away plan?

3. If you are drunk do you tell people how you REALLY feel, or do you do that anyway?

4. If you see a female stranger crying do you feel empathy, or do you recognize weakness that can be used to get her into the basement?

5. Do you use saws for cutting wood, or have you found 'other' uses for them?

6. Do you believe people are basically good, or do you understand that they would be more useful under your total and utter command?

7. If you left a twenty-dollar bill on the table would you feel disappointed in humanity if someone took it, or would you lie in wait and smash their hand with a hammer?

8. Do you love soft cuddly animals, or are you some kind of cold-hearted freak?

9. If you had the chance, just once, would you eat a human being, or does it depend on the person to be eaten?

10. Do you read Althouse, or do you read Althouse relentlessly?

I am Laslo.

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