Sunday, August 9, 2015

I'm not sure why that came out; I was lost in the moment, I guess.

I once dated a black girl in college.

Her skin was a beautiful light cappuccino, flawless in that way that only exists in youth and good fortune.

Unfortunately, her skin was a cause of great inner turmoil to her: her black friends would comment that she "wasn't really black," that she was too light-skinned to understand the true experience of the Black Life.

She would try to take these words in stride, but it caused her great pain: her white friends thought she was black, and her black friends thought she wasn't black enough.

On top of that, she was brilliant, and exceeded in all of her classes; some of her black friends then used this as 'proof' that she was Acting White.

So, anyway, one evening we were having anal sex and -- when I ejaculated -- I shouted out "I have a dream!"

I'm not sure why that came out; I was lost in the moment, I guess.

From that point onward things became awkward between us; she began to read the autobiography of Malcolm X.

We drifted apart, and I soon started dating a Japanese girl.

Sometimes during sex I so desperately wanted to shout "Tora! Tora! Tora!", but I had learned my lesson.

I just wish her parents hadn't named her 'Pearl.'

I am Laslo.

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