Friday, January 29, 2016

He just laughed and kept saying the word "Ma-gen-ta" over and over...

Man, I saw the Airplane live at the Fillmore. Those were days, I tell you. I was stoned and my pal Malibu was on prime LSD, and we argued about what colors were what in the light show. "That's blue but not blue-blue" I said, and he just laughed and kept saying the word "Ma-gen-ta" over and over...

I met Grace Slick once, with that guy from the band that hung with her, Paul-Something, I think. Kept saying he played guitar -- I wasn't really paying attention, if you know what I mean. I tried to talk Grace into a threesome with the Old Lady but she seemed square that way and shut me down. That's OK though: I later heard she actually had a bad case of Pussy Disease, but what Chick in the Sixties didn't...?

Me and my old lady, we ended up having a kid and named her Revolution, because that was what was happening, you know? We kept our heads fed and our ears to the street. Now she just goes by 'Lou ' -- Rev-o-LOU-shun', get it? She's smart, even though she hates the Sixties. We tell her that if it weren't for the Sixties she'd never have been born, and she says if it wasn't for the Sixties her parents wouldn't be such drug-addled losers...

I am Laslo.

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