Saturday, January 16, 2016

Nod knowingly about the Majesty and the Mystery of the Cat.


I don’t consciously avoid any genres, but it IS likely you would find me lingering in the section where they keep books like 'Eat, Pray, Love' or memoirs of life with a pet.

This is where the lonely troubled women gather. Some lonely troubled women are Hot.

Compliment some book about a woman and her cat and the Hot Lonely Troubled Woman will inevitable gush to you about her cat.

This is where you say:

"I don't know, cats always like me. maybe they sense something spiritual, or something, you know?" Add a knowing winsome smile, then: nod. Nod knowingly about the Majesty and the Mystery of the Cat.

When you are back at her place PET HER CAT. If the cat avoids you, explain that you happened to have saved a stray kitten just that morning from a busy road, and Her Cat probably just smells the rescued widdle kitty's fear: Understandable.


Once you have her mouth duct-taped and her limbs bound NOW you put on a Bill Bryson audiobook. It will calm her.


Nah. Not really.

Stop looking at me, Cat.

I am Laslo.

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