Tuesday, October 18, 2016

"Oh yeah. I walk up on those people and give them the spooky eye and the jingle fingers: they get to leaving, fast."

"How many votes did you cast today?"

"Four so far, mister."

"Outstanding! Get in the Van! Get - In - The -  Van! What did they get you for the last votes -- a pack of cigarettes?"

"They already have given me TWO packs of cigarettes. And I held out for menthols and a free lighter: I'm not stupid."

"So what do you need for me to get you to vote again at the next stop?"

"I wanna Big Mac."

"Big Mac? What is that -- about three dollars?"

"Twelve dollars."

"Big Macs are twelve dollars now?"

"I want twelve dollars for a Big Mac. And I want five dollars for a Coke."

"That seems a little steep..."

"Then you can just let my ass out right here. Makes no difference to me who buys my votes."

"Okay, okay: twelve dollars for a Big Mac, and five dollars for a Coke. But I want THREE votes for that."

"Sure thing. For an even twenty I'll even intimidate some voters for you, too."

"That sounds promising..."

"Oh yeah. I walk up on those people and give them the spooky eye and the jingle fingers: they get to leaving, fast."

"It's a deal."

"I want the money up front, my man."

"Up front? I don't know: how can I know to trust you?"

"Don't you go and make this a race thing, motherfucker."

"Okay, okay, payment up front, payment up front..."

I am Laslo.

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