Lamar Gonna Set You Straight....
Leave it to White People to give a big prize to a White Guy with a Rhyming Dictionary. White People: sometimes it ain't Poetry, sometimes it's just fucking casserole, you feel me...?
And White People, they love their Word Casserole. Black People, we've been singin' the Blues from the Heart for centuries, and it don't mean shit until a White Man says it means shit, with Big White Man Words. Fuck that. The BLUES is poetry, bitches: Son House wrote more of value than Bob Dylan ever did.
Howlin' Wolf wrote the World Bluer than Bob Dylan ever did.
Muddy Waters wrote the World Truer than Bob Dylan ever did.
And Little Walter stomped his white ass on the harmonica.
But I know how you White People think: It ain't Literature -- the Blues jess comes natural to us darkies, ain't that right...?
You think you got Problems? Fuck You.
I am Laslo.
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