Sarah's mind once again slipped wistfully into the past, to that One Hot Summer in 1957 in Madison County...
"Miss Sarah, you're so smart, I bet one day you could be President!"
"That's sweet, my Mandingo, but everyone knows a woman could never be President."
"Why is that?"
"Because a woman answers to her Husband, silly. Even if her Husband gave her Permission to be President she would still need to ask her Husband what to do. So people should just elect Him in the first place."
"But you don't have a Husband, and you're smart enough…"
"Mandingo, married or not, women can't be trusted with that kind of Responsibility. It's hard enough for a woman to organize a Knitting Group and still make sure her husband's supper is ready."
"Can you picture a woman President trying to declare War, God Forbid? The other World leaders would just laugh at her, and then she'd have to find a quiet place to have a cry. In fact, the only way I can see a woman thinking she could be President is if she had a head injury or was a drunk."
"I've seen drunk white ladies before. It isn't pretty…"
"You might as well put a Negro as President, for that matter, or a chimpanzee."
"Now THAT'S silly, Miss Sarah."
"That it is, my Mandingo: that it is…"
I am Laslo.
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