Coral shows up for work today, and she is wearing a long-sleeved shirt, buttoned up to the collar. Which means she and her boyfriend have had another fight.
Working Girls getting beaten by their boyfriends is a pretty common experience in the business, but visible damage can curtail transactions with the prospective Patrons.
Sure, some of them will overlook a swollen cheek or lip, especially if they are getting anal, but Obvious Damage can put a Girl on the shelf for days, which affects economic liquidity in a negative manner; Pimps don't like negative effects on their economic liquidity.
So I tell Coral to take off the shirt, expecting to see some bruises, and sure enough there are bruises -- but the bigger problem is the array of cigarette burns on her arms and breasts. She could be on the shelf for a month or more now, and only come back being able to charge half her usual rate, even after the scabs are gone. This, obviously, severely impacts my long-term financial planning.
I had visited her boyfriend before, and explained that, when you get involved with a Working Girl, you can't then take out on her your anger that she is a Working Girl. Accept that she sucks a dozen cocks a day and her ass drips sperm, or move the Hell along. Obviously, he did not understand the Importance of my Position.
I pay another visit to the Boyfriend, and we have a frank, honest discussion: it is Important that, together, we reach an Understanding. And then I proceed to break his jaw and burn his cock and balls with a menthol cigarette. I also tell him that he owes me five K in Damages, plus interest; I figure he'll leave Town within a day.
Poor Coral: she has certainly made some poor Life Choices. It is a Good Thing that I am here to look after her.
I am Laslo.
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