Sarah's mind once again slipped wistfully into the past, to that One Hot Summer in 1957 in Madison County...
"Miss Sarah, can I asks you a question?"
"Of course, my sweet Mandingo."
"I heard in town that the Police are preparing for Riots. What's that about?"
"Well, Mandingo, in Little Rock, Arkansas the Yankee Courts have demanded that a Negro be allowed to go to school with whites."
"That doesn't sound so bad, Miss Sarah."
"That only doesn't sound bad if you want the Foundations of This Great Country torn apart, Mandingo. Once you start letting the Negroes in everywhere there will only be Violence and the Destruction of Proper Morality."
"Well, that does sound bad indeed, Miss Sarah."
"My sweet Mandingo, the Negro longs for the Jungle, and they will try to make a Jungle everywhere they go, if you let them. That's Science."
"So the Police think the White People in Town might riot?"
"Oh, my silly Mandingo, of course not. They preparing for a riot by the Negroes."
"But I'm the only Negro in town, Miss Sarah."
"You can't be too careful, Mandingo. I mean, I know you don't want to riot, but your Jungle Blood could get too Hot and then who knows what could happen."
"That would surely be a shame, Miss Sarah. I didn't even know I have the Jungle Blood."
"Negro blood is very different than that from White Folk, Mandingo. That's Science."
"I always kind of thought it looked the same."
"That's why Science has Microscopes, my Mandingo: that's why Science has Microscopes..."
I am Laslo.
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