Friday, August 19, 2016

"Like it is our own secret code, but in public where no one knows? That IS exciting."


"Yes, my wildflower?"

"I don't like the idea of people putting words in other people's mouths."

"I don't like people putting things in ANYONE'S mouths, unless they are consenting adults. And only it fits in the mouth: that's important."

"You know what I mean..."

"I know. I just like to say things like that. In private. Just with you, wildflower."

"My concern is one: it is a cheap ploy, and two: it could cause confusion to a reader."

"I love it when you enumerate your ideas. Those are some of my favorite posts. Especially when you write MORE TO COME..." I like to think you are secretly writing that to me."

"Like it is our own secret code, but in public where no one knows? That IS exciting."

"Maybe you could make a list of all our little secrets..."

"Like how -- when I post a flower picture -- that means...."

"Exactly. WE know what THAT means. I LIKE when you post flower pictures."

"I'm sure you do."

"Or when you post one of your drawings..."

"No one would be able to guess what THAT was code for..."

"I certainly hope not."

"Although you'd think the readers would sense something from how I write lovingly about my 'pen'...

"You ARE a clever one."

"How about how you rub my shoulders when I write one of my stream-of-conciousness pieces..."

"You like that I do that shirtless,,,"

"I do, I do..."

"But what about me -- you know -- wearing shorts?"

"Meade, you tease! That will NEVER be enumerated!"

"There is always MORE TO COME, wildflower..."

I am Laslo.

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