Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I'm the guy who threw up at the banquet table right by the sushi.

My wife, she likes to go on cruises. Likes the water, the sun, the umbrellas in the drinks. I like all of this too, at least somewhat. Don't necessarily need the umbrellas.
The problem is, when I am on cruises I throw up. Constantly.

They have given me seasick meds, vertigo meds, you-name-it meds, I throw up.

I'm the guy who threw up on the deck by your kids and their toys.

I'm the guy who threw up at the banquet table right by the sushi.

I'm the guy who shit himself at the Luau doing the limbo.

Okay, that last one was different, but it falls under the general category of not being able to politely control bodily functions.

I have been asked nicely to stay in my room, but I paid for the cruise, I'm going to enjoy all of it, even if I vomit a little along the way. And occasionally shit myself while wearing white shorts and sandals.

Laslo would know where to go from here.

I am The Replacement Laslo.



Give me time. I'll do better - I promise.

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