Saturday, December 24, 2016

I have heard that Jesus said the poor will always be among us, and that they will be wearing drab clothes: who am I to believe differently…?

Humlaut LeBlanc, Fashion Icon of Fabulous…

I do not know of politics: I only know Fabulous. I see a simple piece of cloth, and I alone can see the Fabulous it can be: I can see the Fabulous where others only see boring utility and function…

It is a Good Thing that those who can appreciate Fine Fashion are also the only ones who can afford it: I have heard that Jesus said the poor will always be among us, and that they will be wearing drab clothes: who am I to believe differently…?

My New Line of Fashion celebrates the Fabulousness of the Stripe: simple black stripes on simple white fabric, an old idea made New by my discerning eye…

Some may say, Humlaut, how can simple black stripes on white be Fabulous? It is my attention to Detail that makes the difference. To the white fabric with black stripes I have added a little yellow star, a remarkable flower of color against the stark background…

A simple star? Some might say anyone can do that. And others might, but they would no doubt use the patriotic Hilfiger cliche of the five-point star, like on the American flag. No: Humlaut’s Fabulous Yellow Star has SIX points…

And Fabulous cannot just stop at design: no, there needs to be Fabulous in presentation. For the Fashion Runway I wanted nothing to detract from the Fabulousness of the Clothes, so I had the models shave their heads: there was a standing ovation…!

I am Humlaut LeBlanc, and I Believe in Fabulous…

I am Laslo.

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