Saturday, December 31, 2016

THIS is how Life is: a giant cock forced down your throat, farther than it ever should decently go.

Sketchy Guy Who Works at the Adult Bookstore says:

Every day I see people with no Purpose and no Happiness. Society dangles its various baubles in front of them, but just always out of reach. Porn is not theirs for a brief moment of Happiness: it is their way to say I Exist: these people, in these films, they are doing this for ME. I give THEM Purpose…

You can tell where people are at on their Slow Descent by the amount of Anger in the Porn they choose. Simple sex with smiling women mostly devoid of tattoos: the man has not completely given up Hope. Hell, these could be College Girls, on a lark. All Good Fun. Perhaps something could Change for these men, just maybe…

Then comes the tattooed girls with the scared eyes and the sloppy deep-throat gagging: Change, it ain’t coming for them. THIS is how Life is: a giant cock forced down your throat, farther than it ever should decently go. The man can watch this, and for a brief moment, feel HE is the one with the relentless cock: he is the one forcing it deep into another’s throat. This is not Happiness or Purpose, this is a temporary relief from Anguish, a relief that ends as soon as the used Kleenex is being thrown away…

Then there are the ‘rape fantasies’ and the ‘gang-bangs’: abandon Hope Ye Who Watch This. Though they probably do not recognize it as such, these men have entered Existentialist defeat: the World IS an endless series of cocks forced into every orifice, the World Is a Face pushed down hard into a stained pillow…

I see this, and I ring them up. When I don’t see them anymore it is generally one of two things: they have died a lonely death, or they are at home on the Internet, searching out even harder and harder shit, and vaguely worried about the FBI finally coming to their door…

Making these transactions does not give me Happiness or Purpose: it just gives me the money necessary to stay out of Prison — which is Purpose enough for me. As far as Happiness: there is almost always a woman at the bar at the end of the night who is fascinated by the ex-con bad boy allure. And while our night together isn’t True Happiness, it will do until Change comes…

There is a reason why I tell customers the bathroom is Out of Order...

I am Laslo.

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