Thursday, April 27, 2017

It's hard, always trying to find the weakest person in the crowd to fight, without looking like you're a total Pussy...

New Antifa Guy says...

The Leader with the Anti-Fascist neck tattoos is Unhappy that the Parade got cancelled. He says no true Anarchist would want to stop the Opportunity For Protest, and he is PISSED -- he had already ordered two-dozen bicycle locks for the Event...

Me, I like it when we TALK about Fighting more than when we actually -- you know -- Fight. It's hard, always trying to find the weakest person in the crowd to fight, without looking like you're a total Pussy...

One of our Guys even told me I had to leave attacking Girls and Old People to OUR Chicks: talk about feeling small -- I felt the same as when I was a Kid and a Bully pushed me into a big pile of dog shit and everyone laughed...

So, needless to say, I'm glad the Parade got cancelled, even though I don't dare say that out loud. But I think some of the other guys feel the same way: it seems like the people we protest against are getting more aggressive: I certainly liked it better when they didn't hit back...

Meanwhile, the Clean College Chick With The Hot Nose Ring and Herpes says we need to stop being Pussies and Start Getting It On. She hasn't actually hit anyone yet, so people are Irritated with her Mouthing Off, but all the Guys still want to fuck her so they stay quiet. I still want to fuck her, too, but maybe her getting knocked around a bit would help her better understand the Reality of Our Situation...

I am Laslo.

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