The Clean College Chick With The Hot Nose Ring and Herpes says...
When I was a little girl I wanted to be a Florist when I grew up, because I really loved flowers: all the pretty colors and shapes and smells, I loved it all. But my Dad would just laugh at me, saying there was no 'real' money in that, and that I already had expensive tastes. Expensive tastes? I was twelve! I didn't like the newest clothes and shoes because they were expensive, I liked them because they were Cool...
I always had the clothes everyone else wanted and said they couldn't afford: that wasn't MY problem if their parents didn't make enough money. But then I realized that my Dad was Trying To Buy My Love by buying me all of those clothes, so I stopped wearing them. I would shop at Goodwill and Salvation Army and buy the clothes REAL people wore. My Dad would then complain and call those clothes 'dirty' but -- Fuck You, Dad -- Dirty is REAL...
You see, even as a teenager I understood what was REAL, and our Capitalist Patriarchy was NOT it. When I went to College I took classes in Women's Studies, and my Dad practically had a heart attack: he said I'd never get a job with that degree unless the person hiring was a Lesbian...
But Women's Studies opened my eyes: I realized I was RIGHT about what wasn't REAL, and that felt good. Then it hit me: Women's Studies were REAL, but how REAL could they fully be when they were still part of the Capitalist Patriarchal College System? It was Ghettoization, pure and simple...!
So I quit School and joined the Antifa. I will NOT live with my Soul in a Ghetto! I DON'T need the newest shoes this season! Still, I must admit: it made me a little sad when we rioted downtown last week and broke the windows of that Florist. But our Leader told me that the Florist was obviously selling flowers to all the Rich Pigs downtown, so he CHOSE to be punished. And you know? When I think about it that way I feel a lot better...
I am Laslo.
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