Tuesday, April 11, 2017

"Over three-hundred dollars for a forty dollar blow-job? This is insane..."

"That was an amazing blow-job, thank you. I really like the part where you ticked my balls."

"I'm a Professional: I take Pride in my work."

"Here's the Forty Dollars we agreed upon..."

"Actually, it is one-hundred-and-twenty-seven dollars..."

"What? I thought we agreed on forty..."

"We did agree on forty. The rest is Government taxes...."

"Eighty-seven dollars of taxes on a forty-dollar blow-job?"

"Well, there's Federal Tax, State Tax, City Tax and assorted fees."

"Shit: I don't have that much money on me..."

"That IS a problem."

"Is your Pimp going to beat me up?"

"They're not called Pimps anymore. They are Tax Collectors."

"Oh man, this is bad..."

"Don't worry. You'll just need to sign an Admission of Tax Non-Compliance and have a week to make up the rest. Plus the Two-hundred dollar Non-Compliance Penalty, of course."

"Over three-hundred dollars for a forty dollar blow-job? This is insane..."

"Write your Congressman, I guess..."

"How about we just say I couldn't get it up, so there was no transaction. And then I let you keep the forty dollars."

"That doesn't work. There is a Three=Hundred Dollar fine for failing to achieve an erection with a prostitute."

"You got to be kidding me."

"Oh yeah: it's also a misdemeanor...

I am Laslo.

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