"Welcome to our first session of "Transgender Immigrants in America." Being new to this country, I need to make you aware of the prejudice and hardships your gender status may cause you to face..."
"Yes: many people will look at you funny, to begin..."
"That is hardship?'
"It gets worse: a lot of people will even question which bathroom you can use..."
"Bathrooms in America -- they is indoors, right?"
"Ahhh... yes"
"With the running water and the toilet paper...?"
"Yes, bathrooms here are usually supplied with toilet paper..."
"What is this hardship? In my home country we shit outdoors and use our hands to complete the poopy business. It be good to shit indoors. With the toilet paper."
"Yes, America has many luxuries, but these do not negate the negative experiences many of you will suffer because of your transgender identity..."
"In my homeland they drop wall on you if you man who thinks you woman. Do they drop wall on you in America...?"
"No, it is more subtle than that -- subtle yet pervasive..."
"In MY home country they put burning rubber tire around you."
"Where I come from they sell you to tourists as Ladyboy for the butt-sex..."
"Where I came from they put big tree stick in my rectum. It hurt."
"Class, many Americans here WISH they could do such things, if only the Law didn't prevent them..."
"The Law here protect the Ladyboys? That is good law..."
"Yes: in my homeland the Law say they drop wall on you..."
"In MY home country the Law say we have no rights, so they put burning tires around us..."
"Where I came from the Law put big tree stick in my rectum. It hurt."
"Class, I understand you have experience hardships in your native lands. I just want to make sure you understand that America can be a cruel place, too...."
"Cruel, but with toilet paper...?"
"I LIKE the American Cruelty..."
I am Laslo.
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