Sunday, August 6, 2017

Oh Lord, I missed those golden days of Obama and Freedom and Not Having Ass Herpes, and not having strangers piss on me for money...

"Trump and Self-Worth: the Story of a Broken Man" (excerpt)...

What hurt the worst about giving unsuspecting strangers my Trump Ass Herpes was that they no doubt hated Trump, too. We were all infected with the man's sour hate, and our assholes would remember this for the rest of our lives...

I gave thought to trying to give Ass Herpes to unsuspecting Trump Supporters so that they could feel MY pain, but none of them existed in my social circles. Sure, I could hang out at redneck bars and try to entice the patrons to ass sex, but -- in the end -- I couldn't do it: having a Trump supporter fuck me in the ass would mean that Trump really REALLY won, and from there I knew there would be no return...

So I would spend the countless mornings rubbing ointments on my Ass Herpes and wondering How I Got Here. Is this what America was, now? Sucking cocks for drug money and having strangers in seedy bars fucking me in my herpes-riddled ass? Surely this was not what Life was supposed to be. Surely this was a brief cosmic joke, and we would return to sanity. Oh Lord, I missed those golden days of Obama and Freedom and Not Having Ass Herpes, and not having strangers piss on me for money...

Oh yes --  having strangers piss on me for money: there were still depths that I would discover, depths that scarred my soul and made my dreams smell like urine...

I am Laslo.

1 comment:

  1. You remind me of Kingsly Amis, he wrote about anal sex in Lucky Jim. He called it "the tradesman's entrance." IIRC.
