Thursday, August 17, 2017

Then again, maybe not: perhaps shame is now an emotion that is considered archaic, also....

Parson Graham, Confederate Ghost...

I realize that any advice I have to offer this new world will fall on deaf ears: I fought on the losing side of a war, I did not believe the Negro was the equal of the White Man, though I wished him no ill will...

I am archaic: I realize I am most favorably remembered as unfortunate at best. Yet I see things in today's world that, under a Just God, would surely bring people shame in later years. Then again, maybe not: perhaps shame is now an emotion that is considered archaic, also....

I have much of which to be ashamed, but my knowledge of this strangely brings me peace: I lived life poor but not poorly, I believe...

I was never ashamed of being poor: my father never spoke harshly of the life he was given, and I did not believe it to be my place to start. However, I never took being poor as a sign of virtue, or a reason for hate. Many today do not honor their fathers or their forefathers, so I understand that there is little honor to expect...

I am Parson Graham, Confederate Ghost...

I am Laslo.

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