Sunday, August 6, 2017

"There were only so many jokes you could make about Hitler. Everyone knows that."

Comedy Writers at the bar...

"This sucks. Every day I gotta write a new riff about Trump. I'm fucking out of gas..."

"I know! It's like we're in Nazi Germany, and we have to keep coming up with more Hitler jokes."

"It's JUST like that, man. And all the people who liked Hitler HATED you for making Hitler jokes."

"There were only so many jokes you could make about Hitler. Everyone knows that."

"Like just how many jokes could you do about that fucked-up mustache...?"

"Exactly. I feel like I'll kill myself if I have to do another joke about Trump's hair."

"Yeah. Don't take this the wrong way, but I sometimes wish Trump would start sending the transsexuals to concentration camps just so there would be something new to make jokes about..."

"Uh... I don't think we could make jokes about transsexuals in concentration camps..."

"No -- I mean we would make jokes about how mean Trump was to send transsexuals to concentration camps."

"I get it, but there'd still be the 'transsexuals in concentration camps' thing. A lot of people would be touchy about that."

"Well, sometimes a comic needs to make people uncomfortable to show the Truth."

"Are we talking about full transgenders, or are we including the guys who just like to dress up in women's clothes?"

"That's a tough one. It's easier to work with the guys who just like to dress up in women's clothes, than the ones who actually cut their own cocks off. Joke-wise, I mean."

"Yeah. A guy who willingly cuts off his own cock: that just makes transgender people seem weird."

"Oh yeah. Fucking Trump..."

I am Laslo.

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