Thursday, February 11, 2016

Sure, you'll hire on a few minorities as extras: someone has to be at the counter when you get fast food...

Mr. Jones, Diversity Seminar Instructor...

"I get it, people: you are each the star of your own little movie. I am not saying this is a bad thing, just making an observation...

The problem is -- like in Hollywood -- many of you cast only white people in your own little movies. The best friend: white. the girlfriend: white. The hot chick you are so sorely tempted to fuck: white...

Sure, you'll hire on a few minorities as extras: someone has to be at the counter when you get fast food...

Let's face it: your own personal movie is The Story of White. And, as for black people's own movies: you're really not interested in watching those. Not your thing. Too ethnic, and then they start dancing like black people always do, and you just want to go back to your own little white movie...

People, may I suggest: do a little out-of-the-box casting. Is it really unthinkable that the 'hot chick' is black? Can the best friend be a black guy who doesn't rap or play basketball?

"Yeah, I know: you'll save it for the sequel, perhaps..."

I am Laslo.

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