"Yet Mr. Romney pulled back, instead telling advisers that he would take on Mr. Trump directly."
I've told you and I'll tell you again: it takes a Pimp to beat a Pimp, and Romney is no Pimp, no way...
I mean: First, he's a Mormon. When a Mormon Dude gets six girls in his stable what does he do? He fucking marries all of them, rather than turning them out on the street Pimp-style. You marry six women, you're not a Hustler, you're a Stupid Bitch, dude...
Romney, he might have binders of women but he sure don't have any knowledge of how to handle a damned Ho. Hell, he couldn't even bitch-slap Obama back in the Day. Seriously: put a Dude like Obama in prison and he'd be sucking dick before he even got to his cell...
Me, if I got my hands on Obama I'd turn him out on the street real quick, if I was the type to work with Male Hos. Which I don't: you know I keep the peas and the carrots from touching...
Still, I bet Obama could make a Pimp a lot of money: a bet a lot of Gay Dudes would love having him suck their cock while grabbing onto those ears, you feel me...?
I am Laslo.
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