Sketchy Guy Who Works at the Adult Bookstore says:
We've been getting a lot of men in the store lately looking for Burka Porn: that's the porn where a guy is fucking a women wearing a Burka or Arab Headscarfs; sometimes there are camels involved. Ha. Just fucking with ya: it's just guys in camel costumes, not real camels -- at least, so far...
The way it's going, it looks like Burka Porn is going to need its own shelf: right now they're just in the 'International Fucking' section, which is pretty much every foreign country that isn't Japan -- Japan is its own Hermetic Porn Universe, with the tentacles and schoolgirls and live-squids-in-vaginas and all that shit...
Now, a social scientist could probably make a study of this Burka Porn trend. Is it a fear of Muslims that is making men want to see Muslim-looking women put in submissive positions and fucked? Is it the appeal of the exotic taboo -- like the videos in the 'Hot Nuns Fucking' section? Is it a subliminal reproach to Porn's rampant casual nudity and a desire to experience the erotic in a more restrained manner? Does any of this change when the Burka Women are mostly fucked in the ass...?
Like I said: someone could make a study of it. Me, I'm just watching it happen, and ringing the customers up. I'll let you know when real camels get involved...
I am Laslo.
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