Tuesday, November 1, 2016

It is pain of your own doing, and you will still do it again.

"Ms. Meadows, Clinically Depressed Therapist"

Many of my female patients are quite depressed over the unfair treatment Hillary Clinton receives. They see their struggles represented in her, and realize that women will never be treated fairly in our culture...

I could try to nudge them to a breakthrough of this thinking, but why bother? They will always find something to be depressed and oppressed about: that's why they are seeing me. So I nod and murmur and then write them a handful of prescriptions and see them again in six weeks...

The truth is Women ARE treated unfairly. But then again, so is everybody: the Universe is a pitiless place, and to believe things could be different is the sign of the dysfunctional mind. I believe what I do for my patients is just a slow form of Assisted Suicide, and I am simply trying to make them reasonably comfortable for the process...

Some might say my drinking clouds my judgment and ability to perform my job: I say the Hangover is the truest way to understand the World. It is pain of your own doing, and you will still do it again: Real Life is just the Hangover of Ego. Of course, I tell my patients that they shouldn't drink so much, but that's OK: I know they do it, anyway..

I am very drunk, but I will drive to the Liquor Store to get more alcohol. It's OK, I make the drive drunk all the time...

I am Laslo.


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