Friday, November 4, 2016

The hat rack represented all the Furniture white men have used in the conduct of sexual violence…

Jenna, the Woman Who Falsely Claims Rape to Be Popular says:

In 2007, I told people at college that I was raped by one of the Red Hot Chili Peppers: everyone wanted to know which one! Well, at least at first; then, pretty quickly people didn't seem to care much, because -- let's face it -- the guys in the band were old and nobody really cared about them much anymore. I mean, it was better than being raped by Joey Fatone in 2007, but Joey Fatone was no Justin Timberlake…

So in 2008 I told everyone I was raped one of our math professors -- the one with the seventies-style wire-rim glasses that all the women students hated because he would give them bad grades and not let them write essays for extra credit. The school was in an uproar -- I even made the national news! Needless to say, he was fired, but I chose the High Road and refused to press charges: that seemed like it would be unfair, you know…?

A lot of Empowered Women wondered why I wouldn't press charges in such an obvious rape case, but I said one rape conviction wouldn't make a difference -- we needed people to be aware that ANY man could be a rapist, and my time was better spent focusing on that…

So, as a rape victim, I worked for Rape Awareness on Campus. I had told people the Instructor had raped me against a standing hat rack in his office, so I carried a hat rack everywhere I went, as a silent reminder that women can be raped by any man, anywhere. You see, the hat rack was a Symbol -- MY Symbol: I was Hat Rack Girl, the Girl Who was Raped, and the hat rack represented all the Furniture white men have used in the conduct of sexual violence…

People on campus understood, but I had to explain a lot when I took my hat rack with me in the city on Public Transit: look, people, my hat rack may be inconveniencing you for space on the bus, but I was RAPED…

I am Laslo.

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