The Man Who Keeps Getting Reincarnated as Cats...
This is the sixth time I have been reincarnated as a cat.
After being a human being once, I at first thought coming back as a cat was a step down, spiritually. But after living a couple of cat lives I was finding that I quite liked being a cat, thank you very much.
Having been a human, I know what cats can do to get humans to cater to them, and I know just how much cats can get away with. I know that I need bear no responsibility. I know how to appear adorable while keeping a mind of mischievous thought. You try to put a bell on me and I will scratch you, and I feel no compunction in doing so: I DO NOT WANT THE BELL.
The thing is, cats don't naturally evolve to better accept people: whatever evolution they experience derives solely from the people who come back as cats. We rejoice in Freedom, a Freedom I never experienced as a human being. When I am upset I pee on the couch with no remorse.
I sit at the window and experience the sunshine on my head, and feel close to God.
As a cat my relationship with God has greater depth than when I was a human. As I human I temporized and waffled. As I cat I realize that God created the magnificent Song Bird, and then gave me the skill to eat it. With no compunction. With no remorse. Hamlet makes no sense to a cat.
Understanding this dynamic puts the universe in perspective, and then I take a nap. When I awake I expect to be fed, or I will pee on the couch. I WILL GRUDGINGLY ACCEPT THE COLLAR. I DO NOT WANT THE BELL.
I am Laslo.
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