"Infinite Quisp" (an excerpt)...
After walking several blocks Napken realized that he had no idea where he was going. This was not exactly a surprise: he had taken a New Day pill with his morning coffee. The New Day pill was first developed as an anti-diarrhea medication, but the pharmaceutical wizards quickly realized that it had the side effect of wiping clear up to forty-eight hours of a person's previous memory...
Napken felt clear-headed, free and wonderfully loose-limbed. The sun seemed brighter, warmer, the sky bluer. Quisp blue, even. Of course, with his memory now emptied he could not remember why he took New Day this morning, but he knew it was probably for a good reason. Bad Things had probably happened, it had to be Bad Things, but Napken felt blissfully unaware...
I am Laslo.
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