SNL always stops at the first floor nowadays. Funny faces, broad acting, playing to the junior high kids that think it makes them seem older by watching.
That said, they had all the elements for an interesting skit. They could've taken those elements and simply veered away from the obvious elbow-in-the-ribs and have the kid feel like he was the one who did something wrong. Earn some uncomfortable laughs.
Prosecutor: So who instigated this relationship.
Gavin: I... I guess I did.
Prosecutor: YOU did?
Gavin: I think so, yeah. I went into my Teacher's room after class and asked what I could do for some Extra Credit. I didn't mean it that way, it was my mistake.
Prosecutor: And you believe this was YOUR fault?
Gavin: Well, if I had just studied harder in the first place I wouldn't have needed extra credit in the first place and none of this would've happened. I'm sorry.
Prosecutor: And word got around school, didn't it?
Gavin: Yeah. Kids were calling me names.
Prosecutor: What kind of names?
Gavin: Things with 'Pimp' in it, usually. Gavin the Pimp, Pimpin' Gavin. I just remember a lot of Pimp jokes and wishing I could just be invisible.
Prosecutor: And this was at school?
Gavin: Yeah, mostly. I remember going to McDonald's though, after school, and a fellow student called me "Gavin McHavin'It".
Prosecutor: And how did this affect your home-life?
Gavin: Well, I quit Facebook and slept alot. When I was asleep I didn't keep asking myself why I did something so wrong.
Prosecutor: What about your family: how did they react?
Gavin: My Dad seemed proud of me. For once.
Prosecutor: Are you sure your Father's reaction was pride'?
Gavin: Yes: he said he was "proud of me" so I think it was pretty much pride. He also said this was the first time I actually seemed to amount to something. Like winning third-prize in the Junior Science Fair was nothing, I guess. I don't know; maybe if I had come in First Place he would've respected that.
Prosecutor: And what happened when the Police first interviewed you?
Gavin: They laughed.
Prosecutor: The Police Officers laughed?
Gavin: They laughed and asked me if I was gay. I thought I was going to jail. I don't won't to go to jail. I'm sorry this ever happened.
Prosecutor: Gavin, you do understand that you are not the one on trial here, don't you? That you are not at risk of going to jail?
Gavin: I think so. The Police said that if I was the one to go to prison I would learn what 'real rape' was like.
Prosecutor: So Gavin, is it fair to say you never wanted this to happen?
Gavin: Well, I used to, um...
Prosecutor: Yes, Gavin?
Gavin: I used to masturbate about my teacher. A lot. So maybe I do deserve all of this, after all. I'm sorry I disappointed everybody.
Prosecutor: No further questions.
Gavin: I'm sorry, mom.
I am Laslo.
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