Saturday, February 25, 2017

And from the movie poster it appears the wardrobe is wonderfully eccentric, like it is in all those Wes Anderson films I haven't seen...

Derek Vale, Reviewer of Films He Hasn't Seen...

"Captain Fantastic" is a movie that laves the viewer much to think about, or so I have heard from viewers. The movie concerns an over-protective father who may be an aging hippie, I'm not quite clear on that part, but that is certainly the vibe I get...

It appears his children are coming to terms with the death of their mother: I have read something to that effect somewhere, and it seems like that would effectively provide the film with the emotional gravity it so clearly possesses...

An actor I recognize from somewhere plays the hippie's father, so there is obviously a generational conflict involved that probably resolves in a muted sense of understanding amongst the men: if this isn't the case, then this may not be the picture I thought it was when I didn't see it...

From the clip I saw on Youtube, Viggo Mortenson puts in an amazing performance as the aging hippie. Of course, I would expect nothing less: Mr. Mortenson has given masterful performances in many films I haven't seen, and this one in particular seems Oscar-Worthy.

Speaking of Mr. Mortenson,  I have not heard mention of nude scenes on any of the gay blogs I read, so it would appear there is no naked wrestling for the actor, like he did in that other movie I didn't see...

I picture the cinematography in this film as spectacular in that hazy Sixties way, because of the subject matter, mostly. And from the movie poster it appears the wardrobe is wonderfully eccentric, like it is in all those Wes Anderson films I haven't seen...

Speaking of Wes Anderson, I can't wait to not see his next film, sure to be full of his dry humor and visual whimsy. I DID see "Rushmore", so I think it's probably still goint to be a lot like that one...

I am Laslo.

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