Friday, February 3, 2017

I remember riding with him in the back of his limo, home from a rally, and he kept caressing my thigh-high black-leather boots.

“Heil Baby Heil: I was Hitler’s Groupie” (Excerpt)

You young kids don’t realize what you missed. Yeah, you had the Sixties, but Forty-Two was where it was at, Children: Hitler was like Jim Morrison times a Thousand! He was the German Lizard King, and he could do anything! Hitler WAS Stoned Immaculate, babies…!

I remember riding with him in the back of his limo, home from a rally, and he kept caressing my thigh-high black-leather boots. I know what you’re thinking: OF COURSE I sucked his cock!  And all the while I sucked his cock he recited his poetry…

When the Eastern Front conspires an armor 
And her sullen and aborted 
Currents breed tiny monsters 
Poland is dead 
Awkward instant 
And the first Jew is jettisoned 
Legs furiously pumping 
Their stiff green gallop 
And heads bob up 
In mute nostril agony 
Carefully refined 
And sealed over

Adolph was so proud of that — especially the “mute nostril agony” part, because — as you know — Jews have big noses. Man, if he had an Electric Guitar he would’ve been like Hitler AND Elvis…!

Some people say to me: how could I be a Groupie for such a man? I find their shallowness sad: how could you not feel the True Soul of someone who could write this:

"Into this house we're born 
Into this world we're thrown 
Like a dog without a bone 
An Aryan out alone"

How could you not feel that True Soul, and how could you NOT suck its cock?

I’ll tell you the REAL story about Auschwitz later, babies…

I am Laslo.

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