Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Despite the difference in ages they bond over Romantic Comedies and Ice Cream.

A winsome Hollywood Movie, perhaps.

A young fat girl, rejected by her peers, meets an older fat man, rejected by HIS peers.

Despite the difference in ages they bond over Romantic Comedies and Ice Cream. And Candy. And Cake. Maybe make that a montage...

Their peers look down on this platonic relationship, but it is hinted that they are just jealous of a relationship that isn't based, at least partly, on looks...

One night, after the ice cream is gone, the inevitable happens, and they fall in bed together for a minute-and-a-half of awkward sex....

Sadly, this breaks the spell, and they drift apart, each resuming their lonely lives...

We find out this has all been flashback: it is a few years later, and she is reading his obituary: he died because he was really fat.

The chunky young actress will be up for an Oscar, because she is Authentic. Then Hollywood will forget about her because they have already now made a fat chick movie, and are back to the young and good-looking people.

Politely shunned, she will write a memoir. Where we find out that George Clooney likes to fuck young fat girls on the down low: who knew?

I am Laslo.

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