On the Porn Set...
"What's wrong, Mandongo?"
"I just don't know if I, a Black Performing Artist, should participate in My Art with a White Woman. I mean, what message am I sending?"
"The message you are sending is that Black Men with Black Monster Cocks like to fuck Little White Girls in the ass. And that Little White Girls like to be fucked in the ass by Black Men with Black Monster Cocks. It's about Diversity."
"But I think I am only being used for my Blackness."
"Well, obviously. And there IS the size of your cock..."
"I mean, maybe I should only fuck Little Black Girls in the ass. For the Black Audience."
"Yeah, I don't think too many Whites watch the black-on-black stuff. At least the heterosexuals. Maybe the Gays, do: I don't know."
"But I would at least be providing Art for MY People."
"Actually, most heterosexual Black Men don't watch black-on-black porn, either. Pretty much everyone wants to see a Black Guy fuck a White Chick. In the ass."
"I just don't think the White Viewer can truly understand the Black Experience..."
"Mandongo, that is where you are wrong. A White Man masturbating to a Black Man having sex is the closest he can come to understanding the Black Experience. There should be a Study about that."
"OK, OK: I'll film the scene. What was the scene about...?"
"The scene is it is the 1850's and you are a Southern Slave who is lusted after by the Daughter of the Massah. And you fuck her in the ass..."
I am Laslo.
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