From the Fauxhaus Blog:
"A 27-year-old Bronx woman sued the blogging site in Manhattan Supreme Court last week after a tape of her having sex with her boyfriend 10 years ago, when she was just 17, was posted in December and shared 1,200 times... The post included the woman’s name and a link to her Facebook page."
Okay, to begin: no, I don't have the link to her Facebook page. Nor have I seen the tape in question, so I don't know if the tape is thirty seconds of poor-lit tentative iPhone blowjob or thirty minutes of multi-position multi-orifice naked bedroom rodeo. What I am saying is that I respect the woman's Privacy, and also that initial Google hits did not produce the goods.
I DO have a problem with 'revenge porn.' Usually a word used before 'porn' indicates the contents of what is IN the video: anal porn, lesbian porn, bondage porn, Black Monster Cock porn -- you get the idea. The preceding word is not usually meant to assert Intention. Let's boil that down: does anyone use the phrase 'Masturbation Porn'? No? Exactly.
Semantics aside, the idea of Porn being used as Revenge is uncomfortable, and those that would masturbate to it based only on the Revenge Aspect are Bad People Who Are Doing It Wrong.
But what if the so-called 'Revenge Porn' has Artistic Merit? Does it not deserve a chance to be judged on THOSE attributes? If Picasso painted a model out of 'Revenge' would it not still be hailed as a Piece of Art, worthy of exhibition and critical analysis? To those who would scoff at this comparison I would ask: if you had the choice RIGHT NOW of getting a blow-job from a Hot Chick or looking at a Picasso painting which would YOU choose?
And are we to automatically decide that the Intent IS Revenge because One Party declares it such? Could not the reason the Porn is being shared simply be the Pride of the Other Party? "Look! That is MY magnificent cock!" "Those are MY magnificent shaved testicles!" "Look at me move! I am the God of Fuck!" Like that.
Of course, there is also the Issue of Privacy. Which might be worth discussing if the Concept of Privacy still existed in our Society. But it doesn't. Sad, yes, but spilled milk at this point.
Time for a poll:
If a man who had anal sex with Scarlett Johansson offered to show a tape of the acts, your response would be:
1. The man is morally bankrupt to even consider such a thing. Pig.
2. It is none of my business. They chose to film it, it is their problem, not mine. But I wouldn't watch it.
3. It is none of my business. They chose to film it, it is their problem, not mine. But -- sure -- I'd like to see it. Does it include any blow-job footage? Because I would REALLY like to see Scarlett giving a blow-job. She's got great blow-job lips. This IS anonymous, right?
5. I would have to see it to judge it on its Artistic Merits. I sure hope the Lighting is good.
6. This isn't going to be another of those Paris Hilton Grainy Night Vision Sex things, is it? That sucked. But I still masturbated.
7. I don't see why guys find her that attractive, anyway.
8. I've ruined a sock just thinking about it.
I am Laslo.
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