The Night Before The Game...
"Nigel, baby, I realize you are passionate about Social Justice, but this is a Big Game. Maybe you should be at the gym practicing free throws?"
"What's more important, babe? Practicing free throws for the White Man, or reading the latest important essays on Injustice and having anal sex with my girlfriend?"
"I know, I know. I'm just saying we could have anal sex AFTER the game, that's all. And talk about Injustice."
"The White Man ALWAYS criticizes the Brothers for poor free-throw shooting. I'm just going to keep it Real. And have anal sex. And talk about Injustice."
"But wouldn't you like to be remembered for winning the game thanks to your clutch free-throws? That would be nice, I would think. Then you could REALLY talk about Injustice. And have anal sex."
"If we win the White Man makes money -- I don't see a dime of it. THAT'S Injustice. The only thing I can get as a student athlete is anal sex. And the ability to talk about Injustice."
"I just don't want you to regret missing a Big Opportunity."
"The Big Opportunity is for the White Man to make more money at my expense. I'd rather get my nuts off having anal sex with my girlfriend. And talking about Injustice."
"I guess you have to do what you think is right, Nigel. I support you, one-hundred-and-ten percent."
Oh, baby, you know how I hate that "one-hundred-and-ten percent" expression. It says a Black man giving one-hundred-percent is still not doing enough. Shit."
"I'm sorry; I know better. You've taught me."
"You know, baby, it doesn't ALWAYS have to be anal sex. We could do the Vanilla Vagina stuff too, once in a while..."
"Ummm.... About that: I've been meaning to tell you something..."
"What is it, babe?"
"Nigel, I'm a transexual. We can't have vaginal sex because I don't have a vagina. I still have my cock and balls."
"That's okay, though. We can still have anal sex. And talk about Injustice. As a transsexual, I know a LOT about Injustice."
"Bitch, that ain't Injustice, that's just fucked up!"
"Sure, I get it it: you TALK a Big Game about Injustice, but just because your girlfriend has a cock and balls you get all White Man about it."
"I'm sorry, baby. It's just a lot to think about, you know?"
"Nigel, why don't you go to the gym and practice some free-throws. It might help you clear your mind."
"Baby, I am a man of my word. When I said ""What's more important, babe? Practicing free throws for the White Man, or reading the latest important essays on Injustice and having anal sex with my girlfriend?" I meant it."
"So we're going to have anal sex? And talk about Injustice?"
"Yeah.... Just one thing."
"Sure, baby. What is it?"
"Just don't let me see the cock and balls. I may be Woke, but I ain't ready for that..."
I am Laslo.
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