Friday, November 24, 2017

Because that is where the Good Stuff on the internet is.

"... haunting... audacious... ingenious... brilliant... intricate... masterly... restless... fascinating new... magnificently funny, sucker-punch-tragic... assured... sinister and charming... stunning... fierce and unsettling... powerful..."

That is a post currently on Althouse. Unfortunately it is not about my comments.

Seriously: I think I have gotten too wrapped up on getting responses for my pieces -- it started becoming a validation, and when a dry spell hit -- well, from David Foster Wallace:

"Because see, by this time, my ego’s all invested in the writing. It’s the only thing I’ve gotten food pellets from the universe for. So I feel trapped: ‘Uh-oh, my five years is up, I’ve gotta move on.’"

I'm going to take a Laslo break for awhile. Maybe a few days, maybe a month, maybe much longer -- I don't know: my increasingly poorer health over this last year has been making me irritable. Hoping that changes soon. Otherwise I'll turn into the character "The Asshole Commenter Who Is Just An Asshole."

Meanwhile, a guy I know here in Seattle -- we've had beers over the years -- well: he used to comment back in the day, and he has returned under a new name. I'm looking forward to what he might do.

Anyway -- I'll still be reading Althouse, and the commenters there. Because that is where the Good Stuff on the internet is.

'I am Laslo' blog, as of this pause:

Just shy of 90,000 pageviews.
Posts: 1406, counting this one.

Yeah. it took me 1406 posts to get the amount of comments that Althouse gets in one day. In one post. She IS The Master.

I am Laslo.


  1. If Instapundit can have guest bloggers, why not Althouse?

  2. Until right now, I didn't even know that I could comment on your blog. Best of health Laslo, and just between you and me, your posts were the real gold on the Althouse blog. I think that you needed that framing for your art to work.

  3. I think some of your pieces are really top notch. I especially enjoy the stand up comic bits and the ones where you do a realistic POV from a marginalized person, such as the "Girl at Starbucks that hates you".

    My guess is that you have written professionally, perhaps for as a comedy writer for a TV show. If I'm wrong, than you should be as your better than most (although you'd have to reign in your interest/obsession with anal sex).

    Hope you get well and post soon at Althouse - your one of the few commenters that I make sure I read.

  4. I miss ya’ guy. You are an original.

    - Krumhorn

  5. Sure I speak for others whn I say"Hope all is well with you"
    JJ a favorite, waiting for belligerent drunk at the bar.

  6. Checking on you, Laslo. Be blessed.

  7. Wishing you good health. Miss you at Althouse (and on your blog, too).

  8. Althouse WAS where the best stuff was. Too many trolls throwin spitballs these days.

  9. You're back. It's about Goddamned time!

  10. Prophet Laslo - it is the curse of great leaders to experience serious ailments up to and including Crucifixion. I hope you get well soon.

  11. Althouse is having one of her annual hissy fits, and it was great to see so many folks giving you a shout out for your contributions just before she closed the doors. Your recent point about solo polyamory was just classic:

    him: (55 years of age): solo polyamory with women in their twenties.

    her (55 years of age): solo.

    I hope your health has improved.

    - Krumhorn

    1. I joined Pants' Discord page -- I would love to see you there. Let me know if you need the address.

  12. Saw this paper and thought of you:

    Hope you're doing well.
