The Edgy Comic with Behavior Issues...
"I was at a gig in Tacoma a few weeks ago, and I was trying out new material, keeping it fresh -- you're welcome. It's because I care, I'm a professional...
Anyway, I tried an experiment. I mean, it's fucking Tacoma, right? So I go through my act, and I don't bring up shitting on girls once. I mean, it's good when people recognize you for a riff, but I can't let it define me, you understand? Sometimes you need to grow as an artist...
So I'm doing my act, and I can sense people getting restless. It happens: people aren't used to the new material, it's gonna take a little time to settle in...
Then some guy in the audience yells out "Talk about shitting in front of girls, man! Talk about shitting in front of girls!"
I nod, then explain that those jokes are in the past, I'm somewhere new now...
So the guy shouts "Fuck you! Talk about shitting in front of girls, asshole...!"
And the crowd applauds. The crowd fucking applauds. They don't want the new stuff, they don't care about what I think is funny now, they just want to hear me talk about shitting in front of girls: that is evidently all I have to offer. So I sucked it up and told the one about the girl I picked up who worked at Taco Bell -- the one with the refried beans joke, I'm sure you remember. And then they loved me again...
Thank you, you've been great..."
I am Laslo.
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