The Man Who Likes Underage Girls...
So many men today twist and torture themselves to not come in conflict with the Feminist Society. They pour themselves into the negative space left to them by Feminism and no longer recognize their shape...
Once a woman attends college she begins to change her nature like a transsexual changes his body: she has an Identity unmoored from her true self, and the cognitive dissonance warps not just herself but the men who exist around her...
Men will deny their masculinity so as not to run against the grain; they will feed women's illusions by becoming an illusion of their own, they will trade empathy to adapt to a world of Feminist passive-agression...
The high school girl has not been fully indoctrinated into this purposeful misunderstanding of the world: she is still a female defined by body and spirit, not neuroses and bitterness...
With the high school girl a man can exist as a man without pretense: he can educate and -- yes -- learn, existing in a relationship that has a natural center...
Oh, there is so much to tell about the Joys of young girls! Perhaps we will meet again, and I shall share more...
I am Laslo.
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