Saturday, November 18, 2017

Their zipper would probably be more like a Möbius Strip, where you just keep zipping and zipping, endlessly.

The Commenter Who Ignores the Post Topic says...

Thinking about it, Spacemen 3 used a lot of tremelo on their guitars, and tremelo kinda sounds like a long zipper being pulled up slowly. Although, in this context, I'm not sure if the zipper is being pulled up or being pulled down. Because neither of those sound like something they would be doing, metaphorically.

Their zipper would probably be more like a Möbius Strip, where you just keep zipping and zipping, endlessly. Which is kinda a drug metaphor, except then the zipper DOES draw to a halt. So I guess if you keep pulling at an unending zipper you eventually pass out.

I am Laslo.

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